
Couples Therapy

 Couples Therapy

If it’s tips or guidance on how to conduct yourself within or outside the marriage then I’m sure you’ll find better advice through Relate. What I mean by that is that I can’t judge what’s good, bad, right, or wrong in a marriage.  That’s not my role as a therapist.

I can help a couple explore what’s working and not working in the relationship, and how small but significant changes in the behavior of one or both parties can bring peace, strength, maturity, and longevity.

My approach is to meet the two together for the first session to pinpoint and illuminate what’s not working, then more often than not to meet each of you individually, for 2 or worst case 3 sessions to work through whatever is uncovered in session 1, then after that a further session together to see how things have developed.

For the joint session allow 2.5 hours, and the one to one’s are 2 hours each, The whole process is completed in a 6 to 8-week period.

One of the primary difficulties I do face with couples is that they leave it too long to seek support, so if you are reading this for the first time then I’d reccomend acting now, and not postponing things until they reach an irreversible conclusion.